Now accepting bookings for summer & fall                   payment plans available!

Done-for-you in 1 DAY
so you can live your laptop lifestyle 

Book your day

Are you worried about sending people to your DIYed website or worse, they find out you don't have a cohesive website or brand?

Have you been spending hours and days on your computer looking up how to DIY your website and thinking "this seems impossible"?

Are you losing sleep or having to say no to family time in order to build your website or design a strategic brand for your online business?

Are you tired of putting off your plans of becoming a digital nomad because you don’t have a brand or website yet?

You don't have to waste time feeling frustrated designing all your brand elements and website by yourself.
Stop spending months DIYing your brand/website, or waiting months for an expensive designer to finally finish your designs!

Had more time to travel and explore new places, whether at home or abroad.

Had more time to spend with your family, watching Netflix together, enjoying quality time with your SO or pets.

Ran your business faster & smarter by reducing the stress of having to figure it out by yourself.

Avoid dragging the project for months either DIYing it or with a designer that takes months working on it.

Were able to finally quit your job and make your online business your full-time job.

Were one step closer to achieving your digital nomad/work from home dream lifestyle

Close your eyes, and imagine if you...

Are you ready to say hello to more time, peace of mind, and powerful business assets; and
goodbye to the stress of knowing you need a brand and website but don’t have the time to deal with all it entails?

1-Day VIP Design Intensive

I introduce to you

A 7 hour period, or “a full day”, completely dedicated to you and your design project 

What can get done in a 1-day intensive:

Brand Design
(logo, logo variations, color palette and fonts selection, branding style board, etc.)

Website Design
(around 4 page simple website)

Landing page Design
(1-page website or sales page, integrated to your email marketing program)



3 simple steps to work together

Step 1. Book your intensive day.
(Allow yourself at least 2 weeks to gather all the information necessary for our day together.)

Step 2. On the day of the intensive, watch your brand, website, or landing page come to life in my signature 7-hour design intensive. 

Step 3. Receive all your files at the end of the day + get additional 30 days of post-intensive support

No more:

Months-long projects that keep dragging
Worrying about your project being super expensive
Uncertainty of when you’ll project be finished

Book your day

Read a few kind words about working with me

Check out past 1-day design intensive projects

Book your day

You get my undivided attention for a full day (7 hours)

You get your branding or website done quickly and efficiently

You still get to fully collaborate on your design, provide real-time feedback, and see the results right away

It is still less expensive than a long-term project that could cost you over $5k and take months going back and forth

1-Day VIP Design Intensive

What do you get when you book a

What can get done in a 1-day intensive:

Brand Design
(logo, logo variations, color palette and fonts selection, branding style board, etc.)

Website Design
(around 4 page simple website)

Landing page Design
(1-page website or sales page, integrated to your email marketing program)



**But keep in mind, you are booking me for a DAY, not an exact set of deliverables. The results of our day together will depend on your preparedness, expectations, and responsiveness.**


Bonus 1:
Access to all my questionnaires

You get access to my Branding Questionnaire and Website Content Planner. These guided forms will help us dive deep into your business, explore what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for. Throughout this process, you'll get to the heart of your messaging & how you want to be perceived. Based on those feelings, I'll guide you to begin sourcing elements for your brand, images, fonts, colors, graphics, and show you how to create a Pinterest mood board. 

What can get done in a 1-day intensive:

Brand Design
(logo, logo variations, color palette and fonts selection, branding style board, etc.)

Website Design
(around 4 page simple website)

Landing page Design
(1-page website or sales page, integrated to your email marketing program)



Bonus 2:
Pre-intensive strategy call

This call will ensure that we're on the same page with expectations, and will help us make sure we're using our time together most effectively. This call should ideally happen after you've gone through your pre-work, and about a week before our intensive. 

Bonus 3:
post-intensive support

Following our day together, you will have 30 days of post-intensive support to email or message me with any questions that you have about the work that I completed for you. It is my goal to empower you with the skills that you need to manage your brand and/or website on your own, so if you're stuck on how to do something, just ask! In some cases, I'll create a personalized video to walk you through how to do something on your website and/or in Canva.

More time to travel and explore new places, whether at home or abroad

More time to spend with your family, watching Netflix together, enjoying quality time with your kids or pets

To run your business faster + smarter by reducing the stress of having to figure it out by yourself.

Get back the time it would've taken you to do it yourself or with a designer that takes months

To finally quit your soul-sucking job, and start working towards living your dream laptop lifestyle

But don’t forget that you also get:

1-Day VIP Design Intensive

Book your very own

pay in full

One payment of


at the time of booking

payment plan

2x payments of


1st payment at the time of booking
2nd payment 24 hours prior to your intensive day

Book your day

Book your day

still got questions or wish to discuss your design needs before booking an appointment?

Book a free 20 min DISCOVERY call

The 1-Day VIP Design Intensive is perfect for you if you want ...

To get my undivided attention for a full day (7 hours)

To get your branding or website done fast

To still get to fully collaborate on your design, provide real-time feedback, and see the results right away

To see your brand or website come to life right in front of your eyes

To save money on a super expensive brand or website

To have no confusion about when you’ll receive designs for feedback and when you need to respond, or how long the project will take. It all happens in a day’s work.

Everything to be pretty straight forward as you’ll know when the project starts and finishes, and what you can expect from a day’s work.

An efficient and effective process - know when you need to provide all of your pre-work to make sure the day runs smoothly, and willing to provide quick responses on the day of the intensive, to get the most out of your day.

To be super excited about starting the day with nothing, just an idea, and ending the day with real and substantial results.

To feel empowered by understanding the design process behind your brand or website as it comes to life before your eyes.

7 hours of undivided attention, designing your brand, website, or landing page


Your project to be finished in 1 day. Although I do everything possible to finish all projects within the 7 hours duration of the Design Intensive, there’s a possibility that the project may take longer than anticipated, and therefore would need an extra day or half-day to complete.

Non Guarantees:

No additional costs. As part of starting a business and being present on the internet, there are some additional costs you may incur while working with me. These costs could include: stock images, premium font licenses, and 3rd party application services.

Why now?

Being worried about sending people to your DIYed website or worse, they find out you don't have a cohesive website or brand?

Spending hours and days on your computer looking up how to DIY your website and thinking how impossible it seems?

Losing sleep or having to say no to family time in order to build your website or design a strategic brand for your online business?

Putting off your plans of becoming a digital nomad because you don’t have a brand or website yet?

2020 is almost over. Do you want to still be struggling with:

2020 is almost over.
Do you want to still be struggling with:

Think about where you want to be 1 year, 6 months, heck even 3 months from now?

Still struggling or finally established and building your dream online business that will finally allow you to have the freedom you’ve been working so hard for?

Hiii, I’m Laurie Salmeron, brand and web designer, born and raised in Puerto Rico. For the longest time I’ve had this desire to travel the world and live a true freedom lifestyle but everyone around me was heading straight into college and then the corporate world. I honestly thought that was the only way to have a happy and successful life. So I went to college, and got a degree in Business Administration, because I wanted to at least have the tools to know how to run a business, even if it was at some company. 

But I just couldn’t see myself in a cubicle and desk working for someone else, doing meaningless work, and being unhappy until I could “retire”. So I packed my bags and left my little island to become an actress in Hollywood. Needless to say, that didn’t happen, and I ended up having to work full time to support myself, living almost paycheck to paycheck, having a content life, but obviously not fulfilling. 

That’s when I realized that my digital nomad dream lifestyle is totally possible, people are already living it, and all I need to do to achieve it is learn online skills and start my own business. LOL Not as easy as it sounds, right? But I went to work, figuring out as much as I could by myself, enrolling in online courses and coaching programs to learn what I didn’t know, and started my journey to my laptop lifestyle. 

Now I run my very own brand and web design virtual studio, allowing me to work from anywhere in the world (although I’m still located in Los Angeles for the time being - cuz you know, covid.) and I want to help you start your very own online business that’ll allow you to live your own freedom lifestyle, with strategic and cohesive branding and website design.



1-Day VIP Design Intensive

Book your very own

pay in full

One payment of


at the time of booking

payment plan

2x payments of


1st payment at the time of booking
2nd payment 24 hours prior to your intensive day

Book your day

Book your day

got questions?

I've got answers

q: What can get done in a day?

q: What can get done in a day?

A: Brand Design (logo, logo variations, color palette, font combination, branding style board, and maybe additional branding elements). Website Design (around 4 page simple website). OR Landing page Design (1-page website or sales page, integrated to your email marketing pro)

q: What needs to get done before the intensive day?

q: What needs to get done before the intensive day?

A: For the 1-Day VIP Design Intensive to run smoothly, you need to complete a few documents and questionnaires (as I call it, pre-work) that will help, both you and me, clarify and strategize the direction your designs will take on the day of the intensive. You also get extra access to me by booking a free 45-minute strategy call at least 4 days before the intensive, where we go over your completed pre-work, set the expectations and priorities for our day together, and you get to ask me any questions you may have.

q: How long should I allow myself to do the pre-work?

q: How long should I allow myself to do the pre-work?

A: I recommend allowing yourself at least 2 weeks to complete the pre-work, regardless of what design services you wish to get done on the design intensive. The pre-work is key to a successful day together, so allow yourself some time to gather and/or create all the copy, information, images, etc.

q: What happens if I don’t finish the pre-work on time?

q: What happens if I don’t finish the pre-work on time?

A: I understand that you’re probably very busy, so rescheduling your intensive is not a problem. But, should you need to change the date of your intensive for any reason at all, you must do so at least 7 days prior to your scheduled date. 



A: The 1-Day VIP Design Intensive is non-refundable, but may be transferred to another date or service with 7-days prior written notice. Once you book an intensive, it is valid for 90 days, and must be used within that time frame.

Q: What happens if all my design requests don't get finished in a day?

Q: What happens if all my design requests don't get finished in a day?

A: Although I will do my very best to finish all of your design needs within the 7 hour period duration of the 1-Day VIP Design Intensive, this is not always a guarantee. You can always book additional intensive days to get your project finished. I offer discounts and half-day options to past clients as a thank you for their business. 

still got questions or wish to discuss your design needs before booking an appointment?

Book a free 20 min DISCOVERY call

Read a few kind words about working with me

Check out past 1-day design intensive projects

Book your day